
post-ecological cartochoreography xoxoxo

Pixel art illustration by Tokipix.

	When Leif asked Katita
	     if she felt like joining him for dinner
	at Big Al's perhaps, 
		         and she said sure,

it was the first time 
  they'd been 
one    on    one

outside the group dynamics of the zine project, 		
				they're at
			  the launch party now, 

plastic cups and boxed wine, 
    hills of bound copies of Urchin Street Press 
to be dropped off at wherever, 

		cafés and pubs and
			the YMCA backpackers - but

      that can wait,	the fries are calling at Big Al's,
	so on past the Conservatorium
		with organ chords wafting out
			the third floor,

                         like train horns as harbingers of sunset, 

			   orange burnished sweeps
	                                        to powder light footfalls

through Civic Park, King Street, past The Moorings
 where Katita lived last Autumn,

	she lost her bond when she couldn't get the
    drip of oil paint and gouache from brushes
	and leaned canvases out of the carpet, 

  she depicted Leif's words in the zine
which is how they first s y n c e d   up, 

		next door to the little train engine
			that could, it carried plates
				of steaks to mouths

	but not in Big Als, just a share plate of carbs
	as he asks her what her plans are, 
		       well I might go to Melbourne,
	      oh no I meant tonight - why leave town
	  and she says well, a boyfriend could make
	me want to stay, and she looks at the glass
           and the lights and he looks at her lovely face
          while tapping his foot on the muzak off beat

it's just that I've been in Newcastle 
       for so long,
           surely you must want to see the world,

			a writer, a poet
 				                        how much
					    more is here?

	Everything, he says, this is the entire world -
           like Dublin for Joyce, this city -

	        she cuts in, but Joyce left Ireland, 

	well sure, but maybe like Baudelaire then
	   with his Parisian Scenes, do you know
	      what he said about sea ports and light-
       such pleasant places 
 for a soul worn out

	                                 she crinkles her nose,
 		            how old are you, worn soul

	    nineteen, twenty in May / hey me too
              what day, nineteen / I'm on the twentieth

	she says, worn soul
           I want to dance dangerously, 
	     take me

	 he says, warn sole - I know
  just the place, a transmission tower	
		on Hunter

	         oh we're going big, lead on,

 				so on Crown,
				  by Wheeler, Union St

		           no too far, Union La / yes

          beside a community radio station, an arcade
      where Leafcutter John gave a presentation
	 once at a This Is Not Art event, 

	       they listen to subharmonics 
  		padding against the fabrics
          of the op shop beside the lane with a poster
	  of Clambake, 

                             Elvis and Shelley Fabares

 grooving against flat pastel shapes, 
	so they do too - he arches his legs
   like plastic molded hot rods, she
                  swishes her hair parametrically
	            like ecstatic folded kilowatt beach bods 
      cascading in tumbles of nonchalant eye smiles
            beneath paper suns descending, stepped on
	 on the off beat, again -

			       he catches her
			as she throws him a softball
		shall we get a drink /  up there
		    on the roof / like a bubble / please

  so up stairs
			table, cheap beers
	do you remember the Cookie Man
	   oh I remember the popcorn man
	     from the 60s, and I remember the
     smell of data from next century, laser trams
	phasing, Newcastle in space, post-ecology

but those cookies with the Smarties in the middle

		the little mine cart in the arcade
	that used to run on rails 
		          around the pole, miner
	     with a pickaxe ringing the bell on the hour
You know, someone stole it when the mall
		    was being demolished
      Let us hope it has gone to a better place

	           I think it was you / I'll let you believe it

	      Her brass nose ring
	  embroided, it postures light

   		   and he leans back and dissolves
		into smudged powdered shadows
	    while she rises as a bubble northward
	above the rooftop, floats and rotates
	       like a gyroscope of lightheartedness
	  and neighbourhood abolitions, ungravity
	                       nestled and appreciated -

    he gets another two beers and by his return
          her carbonation has eased, back in her seat
 the two of them as temporary flesh machines

looking in the back of the Civic Theatre shortly,
  now actually by the time this real-time narration
			has caught up,
 	   the utility access for props and so on

        where they enter the light
				and take the stage -

           are they really doing this? Katita is already
 treading the boards
			while Leif sidles up and hides
 	        behind the cacophony of a performance
    say four or five performers on stage along with
              pantomime figures, foam versions
	   of landmarks - Town Hall, Queens
   					   Wharf Tower
assorted buildings from Frederick Menkens, is this
 	                a biography of his life / no it is
      a way of explaining where the tram line will run
	 Katita is flowing wavy metal lines towards
   Leif in a costume dressed as the old Station, 
		he says: 
			it might lead us somewhere, 
 		but she hears: 
			it might leave us somewhere.

     		by the time he swivels
	    around the girth of a 
                       pink foam School of Arts

					       she is gone

 where is she
				not here

        not over there
				        he looks around
			                      the theatre 
	           but she has exited stage left
                            (Heavens to Murgatroyd!)

 so he jumps off the stage and barrels down the aisle
	out onto the street
	 	up King, to Hunter Street Mall
   where all timelines seem to be overlapping like
       glass petals, like overhead transparencies, like
 memories transpiring, like a carousel of 
	 	                           Google Street View
 photographs of the city in its heyday, see the folks
   wearing nice hats and suits, David Jones with its
       beautiful window displays, glamour and care,

         	and then when it was hollowed out, tax
  breaks given to artisan crafts while the void grew,
       the car park demolished from the top down, only
 			Bolton Street left - of course!

  Leif runs up the road to Bolton Street Car Park,
     another of Frederick Menkens stamps, the last
           of the great multi-storey parking stations,

 	   	he throws himself into the building,
	     transmutes into the brickwork, the slabs,
         his eyes on the balustrades like closed circuit
				       television cameras
		           scanning the network for her
	Katita where are you, Leif panoramas
    but the city is so dark now, the future is here,
      apartments up and down, everywhere to live
 	with nothing to do, empty homes banked
 for future sale, the perfect economy, no people
              only a migration of statistics that can be sold
  in exchange of a perfect light, and then he sees her

	                on the horizon, a little battery
	     resting atop a fishing line separating
 	        blank ink seas from pupil wrought skies
          all space where there is none, Katita is a boat 

     drifting, a coal ship carrying a ballast 
        of big muscle red beating heart glow
 below deck, Leif spots the crimson rue hue	

			and does this thing
		where he metamorphises now into	
				the obelisk on the hill
        and like a rocket he jitters free of his footfalls
	    and bb ll aa ss tt ss oo ff ff ---------->
  up and over and to the east to where Katita bobs
	                      he dives into the water
                     by her bow and leaves barely a wake
                and they don't talk, not much I mean, as
           they float towards Carrington where Katita
        rolls onto the shore with Leif 
     at her feet, 

	      she says, why did you say our trajectory
     might leave us somewhere, no what he says I said
     might lead us, you know like take us somewhere,

      and she becomes the shale and the crumbly rocks
  as the ground shifts and he floats away on her back
   like a magic carpet of dirt, 
			 they seperate and dissolve

    from the island becoming another island,
	    that fabled land that fades in and out
      					of view from
		  Newcastle harbour, from the beach,

	     you can see it as a rise of hazy conifers
	between here and Stockton 
	      in certain conditions 

 		 Library of Babel as First Date, 
	           dry prairie a fable as nursed fate
			Rose-Meta Stone (are trees
	singlet, Bubble o' Bill, similar news 
		   to a nearby star, Katita
     drifts and Leif rides, like a barnacle of love,
	        taking a piece of (super)Novacastria
	           with them into languid tidal drifting,

       Baudelaire would want to name her, 
                         soft enchantress / indolent sorceress,
            flowing skirts, patchwork landmass, prisms
of decorative tectonics, as paramour to momentum,
         those cheap beers and fries from Big Als keep
them both buoyant / beau antipodean sunrise rising   
   risen revival of romance, next issue of the zine.